How to embed a review widget on Wordpress?
How to embed a review widget on Wordpress?
Embedding a review widget on Wordpress is as easy as 1 - 2 - 3 and it takes 5 minutes.
If you're using the Gutemberg editor or if you don't know what the Gutemberg editor is
Gutemberg makes embedding a review widget incredibly easy.
Go to any Wordpress page where you want your widget to appear, and create a new HTML
Now, copy and paste both the script tag and the iframe tag inside the HTML block. You can find them by clicking "Share widget" on the top right of the widget edit page.
By default, the widget will take all the width you give it, and it is responsive by design. If you give it too little width, it will display as one column, and as you give it more space, it will add columns.
Not working as expected? Any questions? Ask for help by hitting the chat bubble 👇
Updated on: 17/01/2024
Thank you!